
Celebrate Landscape Architecture Month!

Celebrate Landscape Architecture Month!

April 08

Stoney Bank Nurseries is proud to have licensed Landscape Architects leading our projects. Landscape Architects seek to create “healthy, beautiful, and resilient places for all.”  We develop safe and inviting spaces for people while accommodating the needs of local ecosystems.

3D Model

The profession has quite an adaptable scale, from small corner gardens and memorials, up to large parks and regional master plans.  Central Park and The High Line in New York City are perhaps two of the most well-known parks designed by Landscape Architects.


Our specialty is residential landscapes.  We meet with each client to discuss their vision and desired use for their property.  Complete master plans detailing plant locations, seating areas, lighting, and irrigation systems are customized for each unique property and individual desires.


We work closely with surveyors, engineers, arborists, horticulturists, and architects to create beautiful outdoor spaces that lead to joyful experiences and lasting memories.

Completed Project